God's not up there...

…and other heresy.

Category Archive : Quotes

She Thought He Was a Gardener

Adding together liberal portions of Rabbinic history, Roman political realities, and garden metaphors, Rob Bell creates a fresh look at what the resurrection meant to a first century Judaen society, which is (spoiler alert) what it should mean for us today.

[podbean type=audio-square resource=”episode=h3rk8-8e6cb7″ skin=”1″ auto=”0″ height=315 ]


Ignorance and Arrogance

Only the arrogant assume that those with a different opinion are simply ignorant. Only the really arrogant assume that those with different opinions are simply arrogant.

The Plan is Just the Plan

Everybody has a plan…until they get punched in the mouth.
Mike Tyson