God's not up there...

…and other heresy.

R.I.P. Anthony

“I support your inalienable right to say really stupid, offensive shit and believe really stupid, offensive shit that I don’t agree with,” Bourdain said when Boston Mayor Tom Menino pledged to ban Chik-fil-A from his city because company president Dan Cathy opposed same-sex marriage.

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Methodist Bishops Respond to Controversy

CHICAGO – Methodist bishops, meeting in response to the recent controversy surrounding the defeat of gender equity affirmations.  The bishops engaged in a prayerful process to discern a way forward.  At the conclusion of the discernment process, guided by the mission, vision and scope document, the bishops agreed to recommend the One Church Plan. This plan provides conferences, churches, and pastors the flexibility to uniquely reach their missional context while retaining the connectional nature of The United Methodist Church. Read More

She Thought He Was a Gardener

Adding together liberal portions of Rabbinic history, Roman political realities, and garden metaphors, Rob Bell creates a fresh look at what the resurrection meant to a first century Judaen society, which is (spoiler alert) what it should mean for us today.

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